many of you don't know this, but you can be socialist, anarchist, marxist, and communist at the same time
some of you seem to have a problem with the idea of simultaneously being marxist and anarchist. i think the main problem here is that you think marxism is this rigid, fixed thing that can never change; not even marx wanted there to be such an "ism"
if you take all the works from marx and engels and define that as marxism, marxism wouldn't be compatible with any other ism; you'd be marxist or non-marxist. however, considering how marxism has been understood, reshaped & redefined historically, that view seems a little petty.
as i see it, and others see it (eg richard wolff), we could simply take class analysis as the essence of what marxism refers to. there i see no problem with both being an anarchist while also being marxist in your socioeconomic analysis, etc.
anyway, fuck these petty intellectual battels, what we need is more activism. lefties of the world, unite!
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