A small thread about being one step away from being in someone elses shoes, in relation to todays ablism.

If I had been born into a different socioeconomic bracket I would probably have had a shot at completing my formal education and gaining the skills to match my talents.
If I had been born to parents aware of their own, probable, neurodivergence then I may have learnt coping strategies that would've helped reduce my trauma.
If I had finished high school in the 90s, rather than the 80s, then my child psychologist may have considered autism, instead of spending 2yrs getting nowhere.
Also, and more relevantly..

If I had had experienced one more traumatic event in early childhood then the part of me that has no 'voice' may have consumed me.. and society would have seen me as a burden.

There but for the grace of god go I.

Fcuk ablists.
I also want to take this opportunity to apologize to the universe for every time that my internalised ablism has lead me to treat another disabled person poorly.
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