@libcomorg, I risked my life for the revolution in Sudan. Thats why I take what Ben Norton writes personally. For those with the patience to understand the complexity of Sudanese politics beyond the childish worldview of good vs evil that he proposes, let me explain. 1) https://twitter.com/arvinalaigh/status/1135913553053986819
2) we took to the streets to overthrow a thirty year dictatorship that committed a genocide, oppressed the south till it seceded, disappeared dissidents in ghost houses, and imposed Islamism on the population. But the more immediate concern was the IMF directed austerity cuts
3) dozens of cities rose up, street protests brought the country to a halt, the opposition and armed groups United and refused foreign intervention and lower rank soldiers joined the revolution. Months of organised protests culminated in a sit in, in front of military HQ
4) A palace coup was forced, a transitional military council was formed, but the sit in continued. The demand simple: we dont military rule. They thought we were going to be like Egypt but we didnt go home. For months the demand was an end to military rule. Resistance continued.
5) The streets were represented by the Forces for freedom and change, the organised opposition which included the communist party btw. The military and Bashirs (former dictator) own militia formed the TMC. The FFC had little to no international support.
6) The TMC was supported by UAE and Saudi Arabia (this is important, regarding the stupidity that Ben Norton is spouting). The sit in continued while the TMC was being bankrolled by those two countries. Negotiations continued between the streets and the detested TMC.
7) That video shows how those negotiations ended. They violently emptied the Sit in, threw people in the Nile, raped protesters, and did so with the support of UAE and Saudi Arabia. A series of protests and general strikes forced continued. People were angrier.
8) The west and UAE, Saudi Arabia, intervened by forcing the opposition to accept w compromise with the military. This is when the reactionsry tools like Ben Norton and the folks at black agenda report got happy. Since then, the transitional government has included
9) a civilian side and military side. The military side call the shots, with the support of UAE and Saudi Arabia. They are the ones pushing the government to normalise relations with Israel. Needing to compromise, the civilians follow suit with fear of a full coup.
10) TLDR; discussions with Israel are coming from the fact that the revolution didnt fully succeed, not because it happened. And the counterrevolutionary generals and RSF are pushing for it, not the revolutionary grassroots.
Sorry I couldn't offer you a good vs evil, anti-imperialist vs imperialist story that the cult which is called the Tankie left in the west needs so that they can sleep at night.
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