Don't talk to me about strategic ops. I was a 'hamster watcher.'

Do you know what that is?
Somewhere very close to the Arctic Circle, the 405th Aquatic Regiment would train. Deadly men, every single one of them.

Some of us went along to 'game out' possible combat scenarios. We stayed in 'the lab,' a room full of hamsters that we trained to mimic a standing army.
They fought over lapel pins shaped like various Disney characters. There was a Mickey Mouse pin, Donald Duck....damn near the entire roster.

Colonel Furball was damn likely to have been the best soldier on that battlefield, and my personal favorite.

The day he choked to death on a Donald Duck pin, I questioned my career in civilian defense.
You see, alot of soldiers had the training that Colonel Furball had, even the strength and the courage.

But when you heard him WHEEZE, you knew that he was on your side and his life was as good as yours at a moment's notice.
I kept the Donald Duck pin. It still has his intestinal juices on it, caked in for all the world to see.

As far as I'm concerned, my civilian defense career ended that day. One month later, I relocated to Jackson Hole and got a job with Dell Computers.
The lesson is, you never really KNOW who someone is until you've seen them in a life or death situation.

The 'Jism-Brained' Antifa brigands will find this out sooner or later. I hope, for their sake that the monster they awaken is not 'The Rapist of Men.'

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