A thread on Liberty Jail. #ChurchofChrist #HearHim #DezNat #ldstemples

B.H Roberts said this about Liberty Jail

'more temple than prison, so long as the Prophet was there...it was a place of meditation and prayer...Joseph Smith sought God in this rude prison, and found him...
...Out of the midst of his tribulations he called upon God in passionate earnestness. The nearly windowless prison-temple becomes a unique window itself through which to view Joseph and the processes of revelation and soul stretching evident during this particular period...
...of the Restoration. Herein we see Joseph testifying while suffering, learning while teaching, giving direction to the work while he was being tortured, giving blessings while be cursed. The scene, therefore, is not one of an isolated Prophet insulated in a calm scholastic...
...or monastic setting. Rather we see a prophet removed from but still very much involved in the fray. Though Joseph had been betrayed, jailed, and defamed, the Lord's work went on through him in the midst of all these things...
...Significantly, through the 'window' that was Liberty Jail we see Joseph growing spiritually and being prepared for the rushed moments in another and final jail - Carthage'
As we struggle with the current turmoil in the world...remember the Lords words 'Peace be unto they soul; thine adversity & afflictions shall be but a small moment'...endure to the end my friends and don't forget to hear Him!
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