CW: child murder, ableism

Not giving Pearson a boost by QTing, but christ.

Murdering children isn't OK just because they're disabled.

In almost every case like this, sympathy is for the murderer. The magic word 'disabled'/'autistic' absolves them no matter the circumstances.
CN: child murder, ableism

As soon as the detail that the dead child is disabled enters the discussion, public opinion switches from horror to sadness and sympathy. Of course they killed their child. It's so sad. Poor them. Having to deal with that burden. The child is erased.
CN: child murder, ableism

Yes, there's a serious lack of support for carers and yes, lockdown has exacerbated so many of those problems and yes, being a carer without appropriate resources is relentless and exhausting.

But murdering your child is not excused by any of that.
CN: child murder, ableism

The fact that a lot of parents murder their children and a lot of husbands murder their wives is erased along with the victims when the murder is by a caregiver.

Any notes about the dead - who they were, what they loved, disappears completely.
CN: child murder, ableism

Suddenly, they are only their condition and how hard they were to care for, and all the humanising details are now about the killer: how he loved dancing with her until she couldn't dance anymore, how she's so selfless, looking after her disabled child.
CN: child murder, ableism

The way people talk about this in the press makes the next murder more likely. Making murdering your child an understandable response to trauma and exhaustion is a shocking dereliction of journalistic duty. But it's everywhere.
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