
I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you have a chronic illness like fibromyalgia and your physical therapy exercises make you hurt for days afterwards, and people keep telling you "no pain, no gain"

That's bullshit and you're right to listen to your body

Like yes, exercise can cause muscle soreness even the next day

But I trust you know the difference between "I used this muscle" pain and "hurts so bad it take days to recover" pain

Anyway, my biggest piece of advice for chronically ill people (and honestly, everyone) is to listen to your body, which may take some practice because capitalism teaches us to ignore our bodies

If you exercise and feel faint, lightheaded, like your heart is pounding so so hard

You might want to look into POTS and other forms of Dysautonomia


If you exercise and then sometime in the next 48 hours you crash and feel crushing exhaustion, and sometimes it feels like you never get back to the energy you had before the crash

Please look into ME/CFS

This list is by no means comprehensive and is not a substitute for medical advice

Also it's entirely possible to have more than one chronic illness at a time

Also, I'm not saying exercise is universally bad

Just that if it feels like it's making things worse, you might be right, and there may be other, safer ways to exercise that are designed for your body

See also: mitochondrial diseases https://twitter.com/emily_rj/status/1296194326737952768?s=19

Also if your PT/doctor doesn't believe that the exercises they prescribed hurt in the not-good way, or doesn't believe that you actually did exercise until it was suddenly awful

That's a systemic problem in medicine, not a you problem

It's ok to switch providers

For a long time I didn't have words to describe how awful I felt after exercise other than "I feel like I'm dying" which was not a figure of speech

but I think it was so far out of most Dr's lived experience that they thought I was just deconditioned or something

Abled people who are all "fake it til you make it" and "just push through the pain" are part of the reason why some of my joints are just permanently messed up

and also make up this internalized ableism chorus that I carry with me and try my best to ignore

Also wrt "just push through the pain"

When people have told me this, I tend to be upright, dressed, showered, and in a medical appointment

I have chronic pain

How...do they think I got there

The pain doesn't take a vacation?
[Exercise, ableism]

There is a *big* difference between "I have chronic pain and everything hurts, but this is basically my baseline level of pain" and "my body is screaming stop but I'm going to push through"

Drs & PTs: if you mean the first one, you should clarify
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