Today we begin with NCHS Stats on excess mortality from non-accident causes of death for weeks 6 - 30 of this year (14 charts - 1 for each cause)

We begin with Diabetes at 29,793 excess deaths and a very high covariance exposure to Covid-19.
Chart #2 in the series portrays Heart Failure at 10,457 excess deaths and a very low covariance exposure with Covid-19.
Chart #3 in the series portrays Alzheimer's & Dementia at 84,854 excess deaths and an extreme covariance exposure with Covid-19.
Chart #4 in the series portrays Hypertensive Diseases at 46,289 excess deaths and a very high covariance exposure with Covid-19.
Chart #5 in the series portrays Cerebrovascular Disease at 21,530 excess deaths and a mild covariance exposure with Covid-19.
Chart #6 in the series portrays Influenza and Pneumonia at 7,372 excess deaths and a sharp situational covariance exposure to Covid-19.
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