thread on aoc:
aoc has problematically appropriated the sephardi experience, picked which jews’ opinions she listens to about zionism, and hasn’t made an effort to be a strong ally to the jewish community.
she also is very smart, a great speaker that effectively gets under conservatives’ skin, she communicates with regular people in a way that other politicians dont, and she’s a role model by being a well-established, young, non-white woman.
these statements can coexist. i don’t believe that aoc has hatred in her heart for jews; i just think she, like most progressives, has heard a one-sided view about zionism and doesn’t interact with jews enough to understand the nuances of it (especially progressive zionism).
i don’t think that aoc should be fully discredited because of her antisemitism; you can say or do something antisemitic without fully being an antisemite. it’s a matter of language which probably isn’t worth arguing over, so i’ll just leave it at that distinction.
it disappoints me that she’s not really there for me in my most prominent identity as a jew (and zionist), but she definitely is for my identity as a woman, progressive, young person, and american.
again, i dont believe she has hatred for jews. i wouldn’t praise someone that i feel hates me or wants me dead. i wish she was less misguided about jews, and hopefully she will take the steps to be there for us. i’m not sure that she will in the near future, but i can be hopeful.
there are a lot of other people that have been more direct in their antisemitic statements, so i think they’re worth our time more than someone who is a role model in so many other ways. /end
me being worried my hardcore progressive followers are gonna think i’m going too hard on her and my hardcore zionist followers are gonna think i’m going too easy on her : 👁👄👁
love living with this identity... also i’m not gonna alter statements of my beliefs to make people comfortable
linda sarsour can choke tho :)
choke doesn’t mean die lol pls no one take this as a threat (i do strongly dislike her and would definitely not make a three as like this and obv it’s hyperbole but i wanna make it clear that i don’t actually want ppl to die bc that’s against my principles)
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