NEW: Dallas County Reports 399 Positive 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases and 5 Deaths (one probable)
Today we have 399 additional confirmed cases of #COVID19, 44 of which are very old cases from April, May and June that were lost in the State’s system. We are also reporting five deaths (one probable), ranging in ages from a person in their 40’s up to people in their 80’s.
The overall trend is a gradual decline, and if we maintain our community resolve to wear masks, maintain 6 foot distancing, use good hand hygiene, and forgo unnecessary trips and any activities around people who are not wearing a mask 100% of the time...
... we will continue to see the numbers improve, less people get sick, more businesses stay open, more activities become permissible and our kids getting back to school sooner rather than later.
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