I didn't consider going into software development for my career until I was like 21. It wasn't because I didn't think I was capable or anything like that.

I had never met a Pacific Islander developer, even though I was around a lot of Pacific Islanders.

This came to my attention when a family friend reached out to me because their son, after talking to me about what I do is really interested in going down this path. He told me he hadn't met a Chamoru developer until he met me.
Before this he was interested in construction, welding, and a few other really fantastic trades. I asked him why he was interested in these fields. It was because all the men in his life were employed in the trades, and he never thought about the other possibilities.
This is all to say this I guess. If you're part of a very small minority within a field, raise your voice in your job, and outside of it. I realize now how important it is that young people deciding their future can use a helping hand, and I can be a part of that.
There is absolutely nothing beyond reach for them, and they need to know that. This is not to say young people need to be discouraged from going into trade work, because trades are a fantastic route. But like myself, they can see it's not the ONLY route. #ChamorusInStem
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