A3 pt 1/ Unfortunately, research shows that many adults hold negative stereotypes of non-white students or those who speak other languages, expecting less competent behavior & lower levels of academic performance. #SEADChat https://twitter.com/EdTrust/status/1296164569753309186
A3 pt 2/ Low expectations are often accompanied by microaggressions, small or subtle comments or actions that convey prejudice or stereotyping—for example, complimenting non-white students for “speaking properly.” #SEADChat
A3 pt 3/ Other results include less feedback, less rigorous instruction, limited access to “advanced” classes. We also see greater achievement gaps where Black/Latino Ss report more discrimination, feel less safe/connected with adults, have fewer opps to participate. #SEADChat
A3 pt 4/ #SEL can help address biases. Educators’ cultural competence is a core component of social & emotional competence. #SEADChat
A3 pt 5/ Cultural competence = ability to critically examine social & cultural identities of self & others, appreciate diversity from a historically grounded/strengths-focused lens, respond to cultural demands/opps, & build relationships across cultural backgrounds. #SEADChat
A3 pt 6/ Ex: Social awareness = being able to take the perspectives of those of different backgrounds\\cultures. Research shows that reflecting on potential biases, w/ emotion regulation, perspective-taking, & collaborative partnerships, can help to reduce racial bias. #SEADChat
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