Ok. I see lots of people now questioning why Trump ignored the #QANON question last week. And even more today after his press secretary pretty much did the same. I’ll do my best to try and give my rationale. First and foremost I do realize that all I’m doing is making excuses...
... for Trump and that’s not something I do regularly. I’ve called both him and Q out numerous times on things that I disagreed with. This however is not one of them. So here’s my take. We’ve been begging for the Q uestion for years now. Patiently waiting for someone to ask..
... Trump directly about it. Finally someone did (kinda) and he ignored it. Why? First thing is first. He could’ve disavowed the movement right then and there but didn’t. So that’s a big deal to me. Second, the question was more about the candidate running for office with a...
... side question of Q thrown in. He clearly heard both questions but only answered the first. My guess is this. We know Q Team is limited in what they can disclose to us. That’s why we only get pointed in a certain direction. Most information Q has shared has been open source...
... and there’s a reason for that. If indictments are indeed coming, and they are, I’m assuming Q has to tread carefully to avoid any legal entanglements. My second guess and the most logical one I believe, is that now that the cats out of the bag, KC pleading guilty for...
... example, [They] have to now shift gears and take a different approach to this. I for one have been waiting 18 months for a massive Q False Flag attack. I’m actually shocked they haven’t done it yet. So the fact that all of a sudden someone has finally decided to ask the...
... White House and Trump directly about Q raises some suspicions in my eyes. Is it not reasonable to suspect a major Q FF is currently being set up? And what would happen if this FF succeeds right after Trump publicly acknowledged the movement? Would the media not have a field..
... day with that? Could that conceivably cost him the election? As far as I’m concerned that’s a big yes on both counts. Plus it’s showtime. The KC plea we now know, kicks this all off. Many more indictments are coming. And I truly believe they will be fast and furious (no...
..pun intended) so that’s my long winded answer to the question. My short answer? The timing simply isn’t right. There can be no distractions right now. And like it or not, @realDonaldTrump publicly acknowledging Q at this moment would be a HUGE distraction. Again, this is just..
... my opinion on the matter. But I’m trying to get out in front of this now before more people ask me about it. I hope this makes sense to you and I hope you understand the Magnitude the Clinesmith plea deal. His plea in itself is bigger than Watergate. #WWG1WGA
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