I applaud @deonteleologist for taking the time to review Cynical Theories. I do not have the background to evaluate Pluckrose and Lindsay's narrative about theory, however....(1/4) https://twitter.com/deonteleologist/status/1296014869469073411
..I am familiar with their "Grievance Studies" work, and could comment on that. I found it misleading at best. They spin a version of reality that caters to people unhappy with the political implications of the research in those disciplines...(2/4)
This is why @deonteleologist's evaluation of Pluckrose and Lindsay is important. People who are *actually* involved with critical theory can evaluate Pluckrose and Lindsay's claims, and offer a less politically soothing, but more accurate narrative...(3/4)
For this reason, I hope their book sells well and raises their profile. This may elicit a pushback from practitioners and theorists in the academy, and a proper conversation can take place...which, I think, all involved will benefit. (4/4).
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