2/ This is real-world use and the level of mass adoption we’ve been aiming for. 15M ppl visit Jeju annually. CJU(Jeju)-GMP(Seoul) is the busiest domestic route in the ENTIRE world. FYI 15M is 30% of Korea's pop and larger than the ENTIRE Seoul pop. https://twitter.com/mincircle6/status/1295918995049070592?s=20
3/ It’s important to note that ALL public chains today have tech limitations for enterprise use. It’s rare for enterprises to go all-in on a new tech. ICON public chain is partially used for this Jeju project which is an enormous progress. THIS IS GLASS HALF FULL FOR NOW, FOLKS.
4/ Of course, ICON public chain needs to overcome technical challenges to be more stable and scalable for full enterprise use. We’ve learned A TON over the past couple of years while building ICON. I’ll stop here b/c I’m saving this news about ICON tech for another day.
5/ Jeju win didn't happen in a day. Remember that this ‘MyID’ launch took years of cumulative wins. The project first launched as ChainID in partnership with Korea Financial Investment Association (KOFIA) in May 2018. https://medium.com/helloiconworld/chain-id-the-worlds-first-blockchain-joint-authentication-service-95f2a743512f
9/ This Jeju project is the 1st of many MyID projects to come. Also infectious disease prevention system/contact tracing is the 1st of many initiatives under this Jeju project. In other words, more to come on MyID.
10/ So far, this Jeju project announcement has been published on 28 official news sites in Korea. This is the first of many MyID launches. But to start with a partnership with Jeju Island, Korea #1 domestic tour destination with 15M annual visitors is GREAT START.

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