Never in our lifetimes has our democracy been so under threat.

We in the European Movement in Scotland are an avowedly pro-EU group, drawing support from across society and all political parties.

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(2) But whatever people's views on the EU, on Scotland's future, or on other issues, we all need to wake up to the steady dismantling of our democracy; to understand that we risk sleepwalking into something which is a democracy in name only.
(3) We have developed a political system, however imperfect, in which all sides accepted a common set of principles: that it's wrong to lie; that we should abide by the rules; that our leaders should submit themselves to scrutiny.

But that is now changing.
(4) If we're unable to hold to account those who govern us - not just at elections but on a daily basis - we cannot be said to live in a functioning democracy.
(6) It has sidelined and demonised our sovereign Parliament, which directly represents voters. It is attacking the law courts and judges.
(7) It ostracises and boycotts journalists who try to hold it to account. It is politicising the Civil Service,many of whose senior, most experienced, figures have been pushed out.
(8) It treats the devolved administrations as foes rather than partners, and is threatening to remove some of the powers devolved to them in accordance with the votes of us citizens.
(9) Its lying has become so commonplace that we barely notice any more.
(10) At the same time, the very concept of democracy is being weaponised. A cornerstone of democracy is the right to oppose, to challenge, to debate. And yet, since the vote to leave the EU in June 2016, many people have come to believe that it means the opposite.
(12) We have been told that a "no deal Brexit" - with all that would entail once the transition period is over - is what people voted for, when in reality nobody campaigned for it.
(13) A whole lexicon ("will of the people", "snowflake", “the elite”) has been created for the purpose of closing down debate, entrenching division, and sending the message that, if you're not for the government, your views are worth nothing.
(14) This isn't a hypothetical danger. It's happening now. The day enough people accept it as somehow normal, as only to be expected because "they're all the same", is the day our democracy dies.

It's time to join forces and shout "ENOUGH".
(15) If you want to join our #DefendDemocracy campaign the first of our letters to our MPs can be seen here,more will follow as the campaign rolls out so keep an eye on the page
We need to work together to reclaim our democracy!
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