Update on my grandparents! Today is my grandma Helen’s 92nd birthday. In July, both my grandparents tested positive for COVID. They both had 100+ degree fevers with harsh coughing and fatigue. The day they tested positive, they started #HCQ + zinc + D3. Two days later...
...they no longer had fevers and their coughs were much more sparse. They each finished 15 days of 200mg of HCQ w/zinc & D3. This was prescribed by their doctor. Their taste and smell took about 2 weeks to come back. However, today they are healthy and celebrating another day...
...together. The use of HCQ should be the individual’s choice with their doctor’s guidance. I share this story of survival to encourage those who want to hear; COVID can be defeated and HCQ + zinc can help us and our loved ones! Thank you to everyone for their prayers and love.
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