
The US Cyber Commander classified the attack by the Russians as “Russia is conducting cyber warfare against America”

The US Senate knew this and based on the statement below the Trump campaign was a willing participant and enabled the success of this attack
The bipartisan Senate committee classified this as the “The single most grave counterintelligence threats to American National Security in the modern era”

Yes America a Cyber Warfare attack is an act of war. When it results in determining who are President is it is heinous

These members of the Senate @BenSasse @TomCottonAR @marcorubio @SenatorCollins @JohnCornyn @RoyBlunt

Knew all of this information and more. Even after Trump blatantly tried to force the Ukraine in to spreading misinformation
They would not impeach Trump

What does that say about their commitment to the constitution, about the seriousness of their oath of office

The Russians committed an act of war that Trump participated in and helped enable its success and they did nothing but sign his praises

In case you forgot Senators Russia has provided

-Arms to every US adversary since the end of WWII
-They have provided training money weapons and even put bounties on US troops
-They have provided nuclear and ballistic missile technologies to North Korea who can now strike

-Strike the US from both Russian provided subs and ballistic missiles
-They support both al-Qaeda and the Taliban with weapons arms and money
-They frequently challenge the US Alaskan border with nuclear capable bombers

-They frequently engage in highly dangerous maneuvers against US aircraft and ships
-In the last three years Russia has conducted deep cyber attacks on US air control, our water supply, our nuclear power plants, banking, stock market, numerous government agencies
-Our power grind down to the switches which was the deepest attack ever on our power grid
-The Russian provided AK-47 has killed more US troops then any other weapon since the end of WWII

This is who Trump enabled and the US Senate cowardly stood by and did nothing

Even now as the Russians are still attacking US still putting bounties on US soldiers the Senate does nothing and in my opinion they are enabling it

I am a Retired Navy Chief, I have served with distinction in Grenada, Beirut Lebanon and the First Gulf War, I earned
Three letters of commendation two Navy Achievement medals and a Navy Comendation medal all in war zones

I tell you this not to glorify my self, I want you to know that I have put my life on the line for America I am not a political hack I am a patriot that serviced
This country Honorably

I am calling you all traitors, who thru your gross negligence of your article one responsibility endangered America

I am calling each and everyone of you cowards who put you re-election ahead of National Security and the lives of US service members
Each and everyone of you have faild your oath and have disgraced the office you hold

You have show you have have no dignity honor or patriotism as you supported the Russian agenda

You provided aid and conformt to an attacking enemy

Chief Operations Specialist (SW) USN Ret
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