Is Maureen Lipman promoting conspiracy theories on behalf of Israel? While expressing no sympathy with those affected by the recent Beirut blast, she proclaimed—falsely—that Hizballah had taken responsibility for the explosion. In reality, Israel cannot yet be absolved of blame.
Lipman is not just an actor who happens to be Jewish, she is a staunch advocate for the racist Zionist project, ideology, and state.

Here she is being interviewed by an Evangelical outfit in the Israeli embassy, denouncing the Palestinian right of return.
The inevitability of Palestinian return is non-negotiable, in spite of what Zionists say and irrespective of the cowardice of a few Gulf Monarchs.
In the above interview, Lipman also suggested that Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum lost her support for the Labour Party.

In reality, she renounced the Party in 2014 when Ed Miliband said that a future Labour government would recognise a Palestinian state.
Lipman opposes Palestinian statehood, has suggested that she won’t work with actors who support Palestinians, and appears to regularly conflate pro-Palestine solidarity with ‘antisemitism’.

Zionism is a racist and genocidal ideology that should never be appeased.
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