My dear fellow American women: let's talk about this upcoming election. I know you are frustrated with the Democratic party, esp their denial of women's sex based rights. I am less than enthusiastic to cast a vote for Biden/Harris. They represent corporate neoliberalism.
I am also sick and angry that our system is set up in such a way that voting third party is not just a waste of a vote, but essentially a vote for Trump. It's not fair. I am also angry that the electoral college grants more voting power to rural areas with less people.
None of this is fair or right. But it is the way the system is structured. And while the "lesser than two evils" commentary is exhausting, let's be quite clear: Donald Trump must be stopped at all costs. Let's go over why.
The most pressing political concern is addressing climate change. Trump has rolled back all of our progress on climate, and is opening up protected lands to drilling and exploitation. If he is reelected, he WILL destroy the Grand Canyon. He WILL destroy the Alaskan Arctic Refuge.
He WILL poison our water supply, and he WILL withhold federal aid to address climate-fueled catastrophes. He is an enemy of reproductive rights. He has attacked worker protections. He has raised taxes on the working class and lowered them on the wealthiest people & corporations
He supports predatory lending and refuses any assistance to the millions of ppl burdened with student debt. We will never see a public health option if he is elected. He is wasting extraordinary resources and causing environmental damage in building a southern border wall.
He cozies up to authoritarian leaders and derides democracy. His negligence has resulted in the U.S. having the highest number of Covid deaths IN THE WORLD -- and rising. He has exploded our national debt. He has filled his cabinet with partisan incompetents.
He is destroying public education and the USPS. With regards to the latter, this is a clear attempt to take the election by force. Oregon, a state that votes entirely by mail, has had their post drop boxes systematically REMOVED. Here in CA, I have found drop boxes padlocked.
As Angela Davis said, Biden/Harris are not that great, but they are still amenable to democratic pressure. Trump is an enemy of democracy. He has threatened to remain in office EVEN IF HE IS NOT ELECTED. And he is working overtime to ensure mass voter suppression.
This alone should be enough to convince you that he must be removed from power, at all costs. Trump is an authoritarian corporate fascist who does not hide his white supremacist beliefs. Do not throw away your vote. Our very democracy depends on it.
One last thought: if you think for one second that Trump is a friend to women, that he will protect women's rights, you are sorely, sadly mistaken. He confirmed Kavanaugh. He is an opponent to our bodily autonomy. Just bc he hates trans ppl does NOT mean he is a friend to women.
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