As a helpless dork for both #Community and #XMen, I swore a while back that do a Which X-Man Are They? (Based on this classic image)
And I’m gonna. THREAD 👇👇👇
Watch this space!!
(I love this image, of course. I'm just a big ol' nerd who cannot be stopped)
Shirley is Storm
The original image nails this one, but this goes deeper than just Shirley being a powerful Black woman.
In many ways, they should probably be the leader of their respective groups, but make good use of their status as the unshakable support.
Just as Storm--stripped of her powers--defeated Cyclops in one-on-one combat, so too is Shirley more than capable of defeating Jeff at the game of foos.

They both also masterfully jump between their personality states. Shirley's genteel Christian housewife demeanor...
gives way to an unstoppable force ("Jeffrey, kick. His. Ass."). In this same way, Storm's unflappable cool can be unveiled in a moment to become the Mistress of the Elements, complete with lightning bolts.
In a meta sense, they are both also underutilized. Despite being two of the most complex members of their casts, both Shirley and Storm are often stepped over in favor of their cast mates who look more like the people writing them. A damn shame on both counts.
Annie Edison is Kitty Pryde
Another one the art absolutely nails
Both are booksmart brunette Jewish women who join their group as the youngest and most underestimated amongst their ranks. Annie, sadly, does not have a pet space dragon, but she does have a monkey named for her.
They both share vacillating relationships with slightly older men (Jeff and Colossus) but never quite manage to make it stick.

They grow and sacrifice for their group. Despite the expectations, they are capable of incredible badassery.
They also form surprisingly deep relationships with the older, blonder members of their squad who can be a little more difficult to love.
After this, things get... trickier.
Pierce *wishes* he were Magneto
Pierce is Sebastian Shaw

He's rich, out of touch, arrogant, misogynist, and undoubtedly into some weird sex stuff. Shaw trots out Emma the same way Pierce trots out Doreen (or Amber).
Even at Pierce's most sinister, the most he can achieve is some arguments amongst the Study Group. Shaw is a temporary inconvenience, but even his worst scheme is manipulative--but always outwitted.

They are no Magneto/City College/Subway/Stryker.
Ian Duncan is Beast
Their accent or demeanor make them seem erudite, with a love of tea and classical music/comedy.
Both are men of science with... dubious morals. I also happen to love them both eternally.
I'm figuring some of these out as I go along, but I can tell you right now Jeff is *not* Cyclops. Scott Summers is the most dedicated leader you'll find. A master strategist and student, Cyclops would be abhorred with Jeff's "blow off class" mentality.
In fact...
Jeff Winger is Wolverine
He pretends that he doesn't care, that he's above or beyond it, but ultimately he cares more than anyone. He'll give you a hard time, but if you come after a member of his group, he'll step up to you.
He always has to be the coolest person in the group, and unfortunately he usually is. He's not the guy you bring home to Mom, but boy it's fun while it lasts.

Both are plagued by mysterious, morally unwell pasts.

They also look just spectacular in tank tops.
Troy is Nightcrawler

A tremendously fun and funny athlete. A fan favorite who brightens up every scene and storyline.

In an unmatched bromance with another member of the team.

Many would describe him as the heart of the team, and those many would be correct.
Chang is Mystique

Amorphous. Ever-changing. Their look and status is constantly in flux, as are their allegiances. At times they are the villain. Sometimes the misunderstood hero, or hero of circumstance.

Difficult to pin down. So good when they are.
Frankie is Laura Kinney aka Wolverine aka X-23

The newcomer who came in and nailed it. Unjustly sits in the shadow of what had come before. No-nonsense, tough-as-nails brunettes who you absolutely would not want to oppose one-on-one.
Their misunderstood sister is their world. They can and will do anything to protect them.
Garrett is Beak

It's like God spilled a mutant.
Dean Craig Pelton is Multiple Man

They can be anything. Their versatility knows no bounds. Maybe they're a peanut bar, or have gone off to become a monk. Their potential is only limited by the possibilities of their imagination.

A born leader, but an incompetent one.
Britta Perry is Quentin Quire aka Kid Omega

Leader of many unsuccessful social revolutions. Misunderstood. Defined by what they are defined against. Refuse to play by your rules, man. Their form of radical justice is equal parts deeply felt/a form of rebellion.
I obviously thought about Britta a lot. I almost did Jean. I almost did Emma. But I had to accept that Quentin is correct.
An incredible closet of jackets, it must be said.
Elroy is Forge

Capable of incredible technological feats. Worlds within Worlds, if you will.

Incredible fashion sense from a decidedly different time period.

Given the makeup of both of Greendale and the Xavier Mansion, is certainly addicted to encouraging white people.
Buzz Hickey is Emma Frost

Has a gay relative they care for deeply. Been down this road too many times. Far, far, far, far, far too tired and irritable to put up with one ounce of your nonsense.
Abed has to be last. Both for dramatic effect, and because it took me longest to think of.
Abed is Rogue

The fan favorite. A defined character, but a versatile one. They can be your leader, your background player, or your heavy hitter.

The rules are theirs as they can access whatever power they need to. For Rogue, this is her power absorption...
...for Abed, it's his ability to take on any role. Through the TV through which he sees his world to the characters he adopts when it's dramatically appropriate, they contain multitudes but never lose themselves.
For both of them, there is something that holds them back from getting close to others. Abed's brain works different from others, and it always keeps him at arms' length. Rogue's unstable powerset keeps her back from any human contact.
But there is one person that can break through to them. Rogue has Gambit, and Abed has Troy.

They are also, decidedly, the best.
And that's it! Hope you enjoyed my afternoon "project." This feels very lined up for @j_partridgeIII to confirm, or rebuke me into nonexistence.
This is all I got for now, but let me know if there's any other Greendalians you want to see get the X.
Didn’t even realize I was wearing my gay ass X-Men @XPlaintheXmen shirt when I made this thread.
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