So @rachelchalmers said this, and it resonates:

"My political interests are far more closely aligned with those of a trans WoC sex worker than with, say, Jeff Bezos."

It is a significant re-arrangement of what we are sold as the American Dream to accept this. But it is true.
We are told that we are just one good idea, one lucky break, one career of hard work away from deserved wealth and power. There is an industry of books telling people how to become millionaires. And because big numbers are hard to grasp, we think of Bezos as a millionaire.
But he is not. He and the small handful of his ilk are not just millionaires writ large. They are economic pustules. We, you and I, we will NEVER be ANYTHING like them. They are not one lucky break away.
On the other hand, most of us sell our bodies, one way or another. Our backs and legs, our hands and forearms, our feet, our eyesight, our hearing.

We get sick, we don't work. We don't work, we don't get paid.

We sell our bodies and when they fail, we have nothing.
We have to sell our attitude, our pleasant manner, our ability to get along. We have to make nice to customers, placate managers, keep our mouths shut and smile at the trials of customer service and group projects.
The vast, vast majority of us have nearly everything in common with sex workers and NOTHING in common with Jeff Bezos.

We are, almost all of us, a few bad weeks away from disaster. None of us are within a lifetime of good fortune of being a billionaire.
As workers -- and nearly all of us are workers -- we have GOT to recognize that we are in solidarity with ALL OTHER WORKERS. We are not competing to be the next Bezos. We are working together to survive.
White people? We have GOT to recognize that our interests are with people of color. The divisions between white people and everyone else are tools of the corporate capitalist hegemony.
Cis folks? Het folks? Y'all have GOT to recognize that queers are not an impediment but are ALLIES in the struggle for economic resilience.
If you think you have nothing in common with various cultural and social sectors of society, think again.

We are ALL a global economic underclass when compared to the super-elite and the corporate monopolies.
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