If Biden and Harris win, they'll likely use every tool in the identity politics playbook to undermine current movements. ("Look! She's Black! And Asian! And a Woman! And she AGREES with Joe that the right and reasonable thing to do is REFORM the police, not abolish or defund!")
So the "choice" is (yet again) between outright fascism deployed by the right and barely camouflaged fascism deployed by the tyranny of Democrats' multiracial, LGBTQ* "inclusive" alliance with elite interests against the wellbeing of Black, Brown, poor and working people.
We're being told by members of this very same multiracial alliance that a refusal to legitimate this "choice" is tantamount to abject stupidity, moral turpitude--perhaps even a high crime against humanity. "The stakes are high!" The stakes BEEN high. Where the hell have you been?
"You *must* vote for the anti-Black, anti-poor, pro-fascist, pro-imperialism, pro-billionaire, pro-corporation, warmongering ticket" is not the way democracy is supposed to work. But then, we don't live in a democracy . . .
"Our ancestors died so that we could vote for our oppressors!"

Well, I'm not sure we have the same ancestors.
The bad ass ancestors whose resilience and survival I choose to celebrate did not die so that I could be a mouthpiece for a party and a political system that are literally invested the enrichment of the wealthy at the expense of the lives of Black, Brown, poor and working people.
My thing is, if you're going to vote for Democrats, at least tell the truth: They, too, are a party run by a corrupt, neoliberal, multiracial alliance of people who place the monetary and property interests of corporations and billionaires above the wellbeing of ordinary people.
But don't pretend that voting for people who are actively oppressing the people is an act of "democracy" or moral decency. It is not.
Let me be clear that this is not a call for "purity politics". The sad reality is that within a white supremacist, settler colonial nation, there are no "decent" options presented within the current electoral system and legal political arrangements. The system itself is indecent.
It is my contention that until we truly confront the inherent indecency and immorality of the ongoing forms of oppression, death-making and exploitation upon which our nation was not only founded but *continues* to sustain itself, we cannot imagine or build better futures.
This means that we cannot agree to lie or misrepresent reality in this country even and especially during an election year. We must be brave enough to tell the inconvenient truths. It is not okay to collude with party propaganda just to get your favored oppressor into power.
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