The human body has 72,000 nadis. The nadis are the energy pathways in our bodies. The word Chakra means wheel, but Chakras aren’t circles or round, they are triangles. The body has 114 junction points, also known as Chakras.

Seven of them are what we consider the major ones and most commonly referred to as Chakras.These seven chakras have names: 1) Muladhara (root),
2) Svadhistana, 3) Manipura,
4) Anahata, 5) Vishuddi, 6) Ajna, and 7) Sahasrara.

The scientists realized that if a person is ill, it is because his mind has projected guilt onto the cells if his body and has forced out the love that is normally found within each cell of the body.The main energy centers of the body are called chakras.

There are secondary and primary chakras. Many people mainly discuss the 7 main chakras of the body, When these centers are balanced and clear, your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental well being is deeply enhanced.

The three lower chakras cover's a person's physical necessities: sexuality, security, and identity.


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