I feel the same way about sex / drugs as regards minors: does underage smoking/drinking happen? absolutely. is it wrong? no, not when it’s done in a safe, private way between groups of minors just trying to figure out life and themselves. yes, kids, go hide in your parents’
basement and get high. explore yourselves AMONGST yourselves, make mistakes, do crazy things and support each other throughout it all. if you have loving, supportive adults in your life, they’ll catch you if you fall too far.

but don’t go into mixed spaces and
partake in things you aren’t ready for. it isn’t safe. a group of sixteen-year-olds all giggling and getting high and drinking smirnoff ice is a VERY different situation from a young person entering a bar full of adults and expecting to get drunk and have a good time.
it’s dangerous and it’s inappropriate. it’s violating the boundaries of adult spaces, which is created to allow safe/appropriate space for things that young people aren’t ready for, and it’s inviting a certain kind of BAD adult to take advantage of a young person in a vulnerable

If I had a teenager I would tell them straight up that acid is too much right now. ecstasy is too much right now. cocaine is too much right now. stick to what you can handle, and let the rest come in time.
you don’t have to be sixteen and into S&M. you don’t have to be sixteen and into choking, degradation, “cock-warming.” you CAN explore those things as you figure yourself out—and wow, look, FICTION is a safe place for you to explore those things. but again, from a distance, done
amongst yourselves. if you MUST access adult spaces and materials, do it safely, like the rest of us did. do it anonymously and be vigilant about your own limits and boundaries. sometimes you push and see/read things you aren’t ready for. this is part of figuring out your own
limits. and I can guarantee that a lot of us who are adults now went through that exact process. that’s just how it’s done.

the difference now is that some minors seem determined to have their cake and eat it too. it doesn’t work that way.
I write this because I *know* there are minors who follow me, who lie about their age, though I have no way of knowing that. It’s just the way of the world. I understand and accept that—I can’t prove whether the “18” you put in your bio is true or not. but I urge you to
be careful. be vigilant. stay anonymous. be curious, be brave, push your limits. but protect yourself. do not open yourself up to danger, danger is everywhere in this world. sometimes what’s pleasureable for me can be dangerous for you, and *that’s okay.* you don’t have to be
“down” for things that are beyond you. there is SO much life left. you have years and years to experience yourself, your CHANGING self, in these situations.
you don’t need acid right now, your brain is still developing. most of you really don’t need extreme S&M, A/B/O, non-con erotic stories, your brain and your identity is still developing.

SOME of you will need those things, because of your trauma, because of your experience—
I was one of you and I *understand* that. I know the function that those materials fulfils for you. My heart is with you, I just really urge you to be careful with yourselves.

your worth is not connected to your ability to “handle” things. you don’t have to be “mature.”
you don’t have to be “advanced.” you can just be.
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