Inspired by @ssiaFPL's excellent thread below, we thought we'd narrow in on each of the midfield premiums (10.5m+) in the game.

There's an abundance this season, so hopefully this thread helps you pick the right ones.

#FPL #FPLCommunity https://twitter.com/ssiaFPL/status/1294672083750801408
1. How many do you include?

Ideally you want 2 big hitters. Max 3.

Why? It's two-fold:

a) It's key to a balanced squad. Any more than 3 premiums, & your squad looks a little thin in certain positions.

b) You want to be able to call upon 2 nailed on captains, to rotate between
2. Who are the options?

There are six:

a) Salah 12m
b) Mane 12m
c) Auba 12m
d) KDB 11.5m
e) Sterling 11.5m
f) Bruno 10.5m

Picking only 2 (maybe 3) of these is a struggle.

All of them are potential 200+ points players.
a) Salah

Last season
-Minutes played: 2879
-Points: 233
-PPG: 7.28
-Bonus points: 26

No. of 200+ point seasons: 3

The premium of premiums. Averages 265 points over the past 3 seasons. A guarantee of points if that's what you're into.
b) Mane

Last season
-Minutes played: 2745
-Points: 221
-PPG: 7.24
-Bonus points: 27

No. of 200+ point seasons: 2

Averages 226 over the past 2 seasons. Just pick either him or Salah and stick with them. Don't flip-flop between them, you'll inevitably lose out on major hauls.
c) Auba

Last season
-Minutes played: 3136
-Points: 205
-PPG: 5.88
-Bonus points: 37

No. of 200+ point seasons: 2

Converted from forward to midfielder this season. This is a game changer as he could potentially outscore Salah with the extra points for a goal & clean sheet.
d) KDB

Last season
-Minutes played: 2790
-Points: 251
-PPG: 8.09
-Bonus points: 35

No. of 200+ point seasons: 2 (plus one 199 pt season)

Last season's top scorer & an insane points per game average. He's not the bargain he was last season, but can you afford to be without him?
e) Sterling

Last season
-Minutes played: 2651
-Points: 204
-PPG: 6.92
-Bonus points: 20

No. of 200+ point seasons: 3

His form at the end of last season was sensational. Same as with the Liverpool duo, pick either him or De Bruyne and don't flip-flop.
f) Bruno

Last season
-Minutes played: 1187
-Points: 117
-PPG: 8.87
-Bonus points: 18

No. of 200+ point seasons: 0

Hasn't played a full season yet but if you extrapolate his points over 38, he would've broken the 300 point barrier. We're betting on him doing it this season.

Even though they're not priced as premiums, these midfielders also have the potential to score 200+ points:

a) Rashford 9.5m
b) Son 9m
c) Mahrez 8.5m

*Ziyech not included as he's a new player. He may well come close to 200 mark, but no data to support that yet.
a) Rashford

Last season
-Minutes played: 2645
-Points: 177
-PPG: 6.02
-Bonus points: 31

No. of 200+ point seasons: 0

He's cheaper than Bruno & has the advantage over Martial as being listed as a midfielder. The only risk could be Greenwood's emergence as a cheaper alternative.
b) Son

Last season
-Minutes played: 2478
-Points: 169
-PPG: 6.13
-Bonus points: 18

No. of 200+ point seasons: 0

Has never had a 200 point season, but injuries & international commitments always seem to halt his momentum. Could be a spectacular under the radar pick.
c) Mahrez

Last season
-Minutes played: 1934
-Points: 175
-PPG: 8.14
-Bonus points: 17

No. of 200+ point seasons: 1 (plus one 195 pt season)

An outrageous PPG last season, despite often being a sub. If you can deal with him not playing every game, you might be well rewarded.
This season we're all going to need large couches to hide behind!

There's no getting around having to watch games when your premiums blank, while the ones you don't have score loads.

This generally evens out over the season, but it's never fun!

Stay calm & don't knee-jerk.
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