NEW: More exams chaos. After the Ofqual ruling that BTECs will be treated the same way as A-levels Pearson (the body which administers Btec qualifications) has just emailed all schools to say they shouldn’t give out the L1 and L2 results that they’re due to give out...tomorrow.
Bear in mind, many teachers will have been preparing day to give out these results. Spoke to one who says they've spent the day stuffing 400 envelopes of exam results and prepping a mailmerge of results to email which will need to be completely redone.
The news is spreading
From an infuriated teacher: "Lots of confused students now emailing asking about their post 16 entry and sixth form college places. Given some now don't have the qualifications on paper for enrollment with no idea when the grades will be available."
This BTEC story has the potential to be even more chaotic than A-levels. There are no CAGs for these exams. Pearson relied purely on an algorithm for external units and extrapolated based on any internal units (coursework) and any prior BTEC exams.
As one teacher put it to me: "So we either release the now false data we downloaded at midnight and give that to the students or keep them in limbo until Pearson and Ofqual decide what they're doing."
Teachers who ,as I say, have spent the day preparing the paperwork for tomorrow's results, are not happy:
And more...
Let's be clear: this affects Level 3 BTEC as well, these are university access courses. So while students are waiting for their new grades to be confirmed, they may not be able to get on the course they want. And as every day goes by more and more courses get filled.
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