Please to see today the release of more data from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Scotland’s #TestandTrace (Test and Protect) via @P_H_S_official. More to follow. But this is progress. Important for transparency & comparisons within UK & internationally. 1/7
Since 28th May, 1,835 individuals in the system with a positive test & 7,449 contacts traced (around 4 contacts per index case). More detailed data only available from July 21st for the whole country by which point all NHS Boards were using the same Case Management System. 2/7
This means we don’t have more (public) detail on 1,835 individuals and contact tracing linked to them, but instead the 925 in the Case Management System. But very encouraging that 922 of them were successfully reached. This is over 99% of individuals with a positive test. 3/7
From these 922 individuals who tested positive and were reached, 5129 contacts were identified. That’s around 5.5 contacts per positive case. Contact tracers were able to reach 5,068 of these (over 98%). This is excellent and well above what #TestandTrace in England reports. 4/7
But we don’t yet know how long it took to reach contacts or what happened after they were reached (did they self-isolate, were they subsequently followed up, and how were they supported?). Some, but not all, of this is promised in ‘future publication plans’ 5/7
# of individuals and # of contacts by NHS Board also published. High number of contacts per individual in Lanarkshire over last two weeks (around 20 per case 2-8th August). This Table provides another useful way for researchers and the public to look at clusters in Scotland. 6/7
A huge amount of work goes into this system. Contact tracing is complex and highly labour intensive. It’s central as we get key sectors of our economy (and daily lives) going again. Thanks to all involved. Look forward to further more detailed reporting in the coming weeks. 7/7
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