People are way too unrealistic if they suggest that the players who are no longer wanted by the club must have their contracts terminated. That's not how a club that has any plans to function properly in the future should operate.

Not only is it reckless, even more so if you consider the state of the club sporting wise, but it's also not economically viable especially during a pandemic. If you want players to leave you must first make sure the club can handle a clear out with replacements which...

...require money, money Barça lacks right now.

You want Busquets, Suarez, Umtiti, Roberto, Semedo, Pique etc out? Great, but replace them with who? And with what money? None of these guys are gonna earn the club enough money for a rebuild.

This is why I said people need to be prepared for next season to be a complete write-off. This rebuild will take time, probably 2 seasons/4 transfer windows. Also, if this rebuild is to be a success it must be initiated by the next president, not Bartomeu who'll make...

...a half baked attempt & then pass it on to the next president who'll likely have a completely different plan & will be stuck with new players on high wages he doesn't want.

I want a 2008-esque overhaul as much as the next Culé but right now, we must strap in & be patient.

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