Let’s download some 5,000 year old success advice, shall we? 📖

I’ve been in sales for 15 years and it’s taught me a lot about life.

But I know one thing for sure that has consistently slowed or hindered my success and progress ⬇️
This isn’t new advice. In fact, you can blow off the dust from the Good Book on your shelf and see for yourself.

“Don’t worry about others people’s hustle” is straight up biblical 5,000 year old advice 👇🏼
You shall not covet . . . anything that is your neighbor's. . . . You shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his mule, or anything that is your neighbor's
When you worry about other people’s hustle you take precious energy away from what YOU are doing.

The more you covet, the more you envy which becomes toxic.
I see this in sales all the time. Great sales reps always get the heat for having it easy, getting “fed” by that one customer or cheating.
What do you think the sales reps who are complaining are doing?

Not selling! 🤦‍♂️
They go into an endless cycle of being bitter, envious and not taking action making their life a self fulfilled prophecy.
It’s not just in sales. It’s everywhere. How many times have you scrolled through someone’s Instagram with envy?

Trust me, that’s toxic. It’s breeds negativity and bad energy...
When we worry about what others have achieved and start to feel jealous we attract scarcity. Why?
Because being jealous or envious of others and their success subconsciously implies that you “lack” and there isn’t enough.
This scarcity mindset breeds actual scarcity. It sends a signal out to the world that:

- You never have enough
- You’ll never get enough
- You’ll never be enough

But, this simply isn’t true...
The world is plentfiful and abundant. There’s enough to go around.

Our government just injected $2 TRILLION...with a T...in the economy.

Do you think that money went into the void? Do you think your stimulus check was your only portion of it?
NO! Your job isn’t to worry about inflation, your job is to get your ass up and go get more of it!
“But Daniel, I don’t know HOW to get more of it”


I’ve encountered several resources on Twitter alone for the cost of a few trips to Starbucks that show you how to go get more of that money circulating right now.
We all want to know exactly HOW to do things. But it’s not enough to learn how, that’s actually the easy part.

The hard part is DOING and I’ve seen people who don’t speak English well, come from poverty, do extremely well because they simply took instructions and took action.
They weren’t worried about others. They only worried about what THEY were doing.

Then people wonder how a poor immigrant who hardly speaks English goes on to make six figures a year consistently.

It’s simple: Didn’t worry about others. Focused on YOUR HUSTLE.
Everybody on the trail walks at their own pace. When hiking, the time it takes you to get to the waterfall isn’t as important as getting there.
The only thing that matters is that you don’t stop. You don’t worry about how fast others are walking or running.

You just know that you will get there as long as you keep walking.
That’s the abundance mindset.

It focuses on 3 things:

1. That you’ll always have enough
2. You can always get enough
3. You’ll always be enough
Number 3 is important.

The worse part of a scarcity mindset is feeling like you’re a loser, like you’re not important or that you’re not good enough for the good things in life.

It doesn’t have to be this way!
Understand that your soul is worth infinite value.

Because of that, you have the ability to dig deep down and unlock what some of the most successful people were able to dig out....
They discovered that we get out of this Universe what we ask of it.

Many people simply do not ask.

If this helped you, head on up 👆to the first tweet and help others with a retweet 🔁

Then follow so you can join me on a journey of abundance and learning how to ask for what you want. ✌️
You can follow @danielcloses.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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