1️⃣ MPP Stiles will start answering your questions with the help of her puppy, Stevie Licks.

2️⃣ Make sure to RT our answers and share our videos to spread the word out!

#onpoli #onted #safeseptember #backtoschool #onedu
"A lot of boards are meeting this week to try to finalize things and then get it approved by the ministry, and they are trying to find ways to finance it" says @maritstiles when asked when exact plans by boards will be released.

#unsafeseptember #onted #onpoli
Are these plans susceptible to change? Listen to MPP @maritstiles' response.

#onted #onpoli #SafeSeptember #UnsafeSeptemberON
(The previous tweet was deleted due to an error) Will MPP @maritstiles be sending her kids back-to-school? This is her response:

#onpoli #onted #SafeSeptember
"I was very dissapointed to see that the Premier and the Minister don't seem to understand the size of our Kindergarten classrooms," said MPP @maritstiles when asked how Kindergarten teachers will separate students.

#onpoli #onted @AndreaHorwath @etfopresident
"What must the government do that they’re not doing now, to ensure a Safe September?" asks @normsworld! Listen to @maritstiles' response!

📢 #onted fam; what do YOU think the government should do to ensure a Safe September? Comment below!

✅ Make sure to RT this post!

Are teachers' jobs protected if they get sick with #covid19? Listen to @maritstiles answer this question!

#onpoli #onted #SafeSeptember @etfopresident
"What we don't know, at what point do you close the classroom? At what point do you have to close the school down?" See MPP @maritstiles response to a questions about isolating a student who gets symptoms.

#onpoli #onted #SafeSeptember #UnsafeSeptemberON
This is MPP @maritstiles' response to an exclusive report by @newsbeyondeng on specialized programs in Ontario 👇

#onpoli #onted #SafeSeptember #UnsafeSeptemberON
"What if I can't join my online class at a set time?" Watch MPP Stiles answer this question 👇

#onpoli #onted #UnsafeSeptemberON #SafeSeptemberON #cdnpoli
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