Okay so it was suggested that I post for new #Earpers things you shouldn't do. Feel free to add to the list...

1. Don't tag the cast in thirst tweets.
2. Don't tag the cast when the original poster didn't (snitch tweet, who knew?)
3. Don't tag writers/cast on fics 1/
4. Don't tag cast/writers on theories threads. If they wanna see, they can follow the hash tag.
5. Remember that the actresses are just that, actresses. Shipping IRL people is icky.
6. When interacting with the cast, remember they are real people & deserve respect. 2/
7. When using hashtags, only use the 2 that are suggested for the week. Anymore than that, it won't count to get #WynonnaEarp trending!
8. Emily is a busy woman so don't spam her DMs or ask her to police the Fandom. If she blocks you, don't worry, she will eventually unblock. 3/3
OH and make sure you spell the hash tags correctly! #WynonnaEarp
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