Just to answer some points in this article:

1. When Boris Johnson visited Scotland he was as welcome as a fart in a lift.

2. Prior to his becoming Prime Minister, polls showed that a Johnson premiership would tip Scotland towards favouring independence. https://twitter.com/spectator/status/1295987524486275073
3. Along with Brexit, recent polls confirm the desire for Scottish independence is now the majority view.

4. Framing furlough as UK spending (and a consequent benefit of Union) is incongruous. The British Nations also indivdually generate wealth which can be taxed.
5. If independent the British Nations could also borrow or use their own central banks to provide quantitative easing. It's a question of good governance

6. We share values with Europe also yet this "Brexit" Tory government is very comfortable withdrawing from those arrangements
7. Countries that "share values" have treaties between them for their mutual benefit. They don't form one unitary State.

8. The notion that money "flows from one bureaucracy (London) to another (Cardiff)" is symptomatic of the problem of over-centralisation that plagues the UK
9. Centralisation and redistribution is a central economic tenent of all the Unionist parties. Indeed it is the very thing you celebrate as the great strength of the UK. It is in fact what bedevills swathes of our countries and leaves millions in comparitive poverty & dependency.
11. On independence/reunion, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be free to pursue membership of the EU as the 2016 referendum mandated. Wales may consider membership of EFTA given that the majority of its exports go to the European Single Market which is far bigger than the UK.
12. It would be more economical for the Celtic Nations to have alignment with the European Single Market wrt standards and find more trading opportunities than in a UK market that decides to go it alone.
13. On the matter of Labour fortunes in Wales, it is clear that a sizeable minority of Labour members support independence. If they align with the Conservatives in taking a Unionist stance, in the face of growing #IndyWales support it too faces the same fate as Scottish Labour.
14. On the NHS your former leader has this to say:
15. On the Ind. Rev. Wales provided the labour and resources, but as the industries passed, the UK presided over disinvestment in our Nation. Capital expenditure in Wales remains below the UK average. Little wonder that low wages, poverty and worse productivity blight our Nation.
16. You end with "In Wales, we still believe that the spirit of the Union is more important than a separatist experiment. We know that when things get tough, it’s still all for one and one for all."

Rank hypocricy from the Brexit British Government.
17. The UK is moribund. In all our Nations, support is waning for an old constitutional settlement that no longer works in a post-empire age. Let it die peacefully and bequeath 4 new Nation States.
18. We need a new relationship with one another and be free to pursue the relationships with the EU and rest of the World that we desire. We will remain close allies. We can build new cross border institutions to facilitate movement, work, trade & co-operation between us.

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