Why do i think upsc should also postpone the prelims from 4th Oct..

1.) I live in rajasthan and my place is approx. 280-300kms away from delhi so i will have to travel which is not safe considering we are fast approaching 65,000 cases all around.
And i think like me many will have to travel for giving upsc and some will have to travel in zones where the risk is too high, my friend who is from jodhpur,his parents will not allow him to travel and he is from a village nearby jodphur so convenience is a major issue.
2.) There are many candidates who have vacated their rooms/pg/flats,so the real issue is, where will they stay ? Are hotels safe ? Will all be able to afford a good place ? What about girls who will have to travel alone ?
3.) MOST IMPORTANT : What if one who clears the prelims but gets corona. Probability is very high of getting infected considering atleats 10lakh students are going to appear , and like me many will give exams in containment zones or lets say high risk zones.
So if a candidate is getting good marks in prelims but catches COVID unfortunately then he/she will have to be admitted or put in quarantine for atleast 14 days..and to get back to the schedule and mentally prepare yourself you need a few days.
If you are unable to study for 14-18 days after prelims then there is no chance that one will make it to the final list or even clear mains.
4.) Now comes the test series part for mains , Will the coachings open ?? And if not what about students who will not able to upload their answers to get checked by teachers. And mind you if one is not writing practice answers there is no interview call.
5.) What if those who decide to stay in delhi and somehow catch covid ,will they get treatment like our politicans are getting, ? Which doctor or hospital will attend them since its hard to believe that every student has got political contacts ?
The irony is that ‘babus’ sitting in upper echelons are making policies of one size fits all whereas the ground situation is pretty alarming in some states.Even our home minister isnt safe and they believe they have made arrangements for everything.Its Baffling to say the least.
I think the step to conduct #jee and #neet has made it clear, that we dont care about students,all we care about is exams.I hope and pray to god that sanity prevails and decisions are made keeping in mind the health of students and their families.Thankyou and Take Care. 😊
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