There remains a deep level of denialism around both the magnitude of the crises confronting this country, incl. racism, & the reality that the bipartisan political establishment opposes the very policies we need to actually address these crises & to relieve human suffering. 1/
The bipartisan, corporatist establishment has succeeded again in forcing us into a position of having no choice but to pick between the fascism they continually enable or the status quo that has been killing us since before they normalized & enabled Trump’s rise to power. 2/
Who repeatedly sought Trump’s endorsement for their presidential runs? Who dined w/ him at WH Correspondents’ Dinners? Who cared more about “civility” than resisting fascism? The very same political figures who now pretend they have no idea where this man came from. 3/
Stating the obvious, that the only alternative to Biden is 4 more yrs of Trump, is not a counter-argument but rather proves the point— that the system ultimately operates to crush any effort made toward racial & economic justice by paralyzing us & offering us no real choices. 4/
It is ultimately *the policies* of the government that are killing us & that is where the bipartisan establishment remains most intractable & unresponsive to the needs of average people & especially to the needs of working class Black, brown & Indigenous communities. 5/
The #1 priority of the bipartisan establishment is to maintain the status quo of racial capitalism b/c it is profitable to them personally. They were willing to enable Trump as long as he wasn’t too disruptive to that status quo b/c they view leftism as more disruptive. 6/
Shifting demographics in USA have made it such that “diversity & inclusion” is now essential to preserving the status quo. The establishment refuses to budge much on policy but embraces the idea of PoC legislators enacting the same deadly policies of their white predecessors. 7/
So now we have Black officials wearing “Black Lives Matter” buttons & painting murals on the streets as police continue to brutalize & kill working class people on those very same streets & as millions face homelessness & loss of healthcare.

The status quo is preserved. 8/
Am I telling folks not to vote? NO.

If Trump isn’t soundly defeated, things will get exponentially worse exponentially faster. THAT SAID, if folks don’t recognize these dynamics I’m speaking to, things will still get worse, not better & we will be stuck on this hamster wheel. 9/
Why will things get worse?

Because, again, it is the
that are killing us.

If the policy is deadly, it doesn’t matter what race or ethnicity or party affiliation or religion or gender or sexuality the legislator is. We will keep dying & keep being killed. 10/
The mayor being Black does not save anyone’s life when that mayor still gives more funding to the murderous police force than to the housing fund. We can appoint Black people to every political office in the land & we’ll still be dying unless the policies drastically change. 11/
Folks also need to prepare for the alliance that elects Biden to collapse immediately after the election is over.

Just because folks are pouring resources into electing Biden does NOT at all mean they will pour resources into protecting our communities from racist backlash. 12/
One of the largest, most powerful police unions in the nation just endorsed Trump. Where do you see the bipartisan alliance for Biden raising alarms around that as much as they have with the attacks on the postal service? You don’t & you won’t. 13/
I said before when the establishment was criticizing Trump’s use of federal forces in US cities that their criticism was about jurisdictional power, not the violent political repression of protesters. Do you see them raising the same alarm about localized police violence? No.
My hope is folks understand why it’s strategically wise to vote Trump & Repubs out of office


that November will only mark the beginning of a more turbulent era in this country b/c white supremacy is not going down w/o a protracted fight beyond the ballot box. 15/15
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