Moving out of NY is a choice I've considered many times, but realistically it doesn't make sense for me career wise. Sure houses are dirt cheap everywhere else, but I can't make the same networking connections and really build what I need elsewhere at the moment.
I understand for most, yall can uproot and just dip because of you having a certain kind of 9-5, but you gotta make that shit make sense. Too many times people just pick up and go with no real plan for their future because they seen a damn house for cheap somewhere.
I used to be a retail manager for YEARS and guess what? Randomly met somebody who needed a designer when I wanted out of retail. She gave me the job without even seeing my portfolio. You know what I was doing? Working on bags and accessories for Disney at Kipling.
That changed my career path, my salary demands, everything. Moved on from there and now I do front end web design for a large corporation (mind your business lmao) This is how my network has been setup in NYC. I'd be at fucking ground zero if I move elsewhere.
Be mindful of your path and don't rush because social media tempts you. If I would have moved somewhere else, I couldn't have pulled this same stuff off at all.
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