Free Web Development Resources:

Youtube Channels:

🔗 Traversy Media
🔗 FreeCodeCamp
🔗 The Net Ninja
🔗 Google Chrome Developers
🔗 The New Boston
🔗 Derek Banas
🔗 Academind

🔗 Syntax
🔗 Fullstack radio
🔗 The Changelog
🔗 The Laracasts Snippet
🔗 Front End Happy Hour
🔗 JavaScript Jabber Archives
🔗 Commit Your Code!
🔗 Shop Talk
🔗 Ladybug Podcast
🔗 CodePen Radio
🔗JAMStack Radio
🔗 Modern web
Code Editors:

🚀 Visual Studio Code [VS Code]
🚀 Sublime Text
🚀 Atom
🚀 Brackets
🚀 Vim
Animation Libraries:

⧩ CSShake
⧩ Animate.css
⧩ AnimeJS
⧩ GreenSock (GSAP)
⧩ Magic Animations
⧩ Hover css
⧩ AniJS
⧩ Wicked CSS
⧩ Tuesday
⧩ Mo.js
⧩ Bounce.js
Charts / Data Visualization:

📊 Chart.js
📊 D3.js
📊 three.js
Chrome Extensions:

🔖 Web Developer
🔖 CSSViewer
🔖 Wappalyzer
🔖 JSONView
🔖 Lorem Ipsum Generator
Website Optimization Tools:

⚡ Google PageSpeed Insights
⚡ GTmetrix
⚡ WebPageTest
⚡ Yslow

Happy Coding💕
Credit @denicmarko 🙏
You can follow @TechParida.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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