Caught up on some of the discussion here and it has confirmed something I've suspected for a while -- that there seem to be two main types of people who complain about organized religion.
One type is called out in the referenced thread -- taking their experiences of a specific religion (Christianity called out here, but happens with other religions, presumably can happen with any religion).

And many of us have spent a lot of time pointing out the flaws here.
But the other common type, that doesn't get addressed a lot IME, aren't really talking about RELIGION at all. They are talking about organized ideologies. Everything they say can address ANY ideology, be it religious, political, science-based, or anything else.
And it's EASY to call out religions. It's a lot harder to say, 'ANY ideology (even the ones i believe in) can become toxic when given organizational power.'


So, yes, in that sense criticisms of 'organized religion' can be accurate.
But why are you focusing on 'organized religion'? DO you have reason to believe that here-and-now organized religion is doing more harm than other organized ideologies?

If so, why?

If not, why is 'organized religion' worth focusing on over and above, say, political ideology?
I mean, if I have to pick 'most harmful ideology-type for the twentieth century' POLITICAL ideology would definitely be at the top of the list. (Granted, politics and religion often interact and overlap.)

Or we can just talk about the harm of organized ideologies in general.
But if you are singling out religious ideologies specifically as bad, please have a reason why in the here-and-now those ideologies need to be focused on specifically.
(And NO this is not pulling an 'all lives matter'. If you think on specific group or area needs focus, it's reasonable to ask for an explanation.
BLM has spent years establishing why black lives need to be focused on specifically and 'all lives matter' dismisses that.)
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