Warpspeed Decode and our Saturnian Tartarian #POTUS. #Qanon military communication is the MO of the Qhans of Tartary. The Rosicrucian order of codemasters was created by Qubla Qhan, as some authors have identified Marco Polo with Rosenkreutz. Polo served 17 years in Tartary.
Both B. Franklin and Jefferson were tartarophiles. Franklin began printing the Bibliography of the Khans to many of his friends. Jefferson had a few copies, and one he guarded in the Library of Virginia. Even transported, it had to be clothed in "seal skin". Military comms?
In fact, Jefferson claimed that were it not for Djenghis Qhan, the world wouldn't have known the concept of Religious Freedom. Look up the definition of a "Suzerainty". That is how the millenium reign worked.
Jefferson claimed also, that were it not for the Tartars, we would have been left with a vastly inferior version of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson took partly from IroQuis league Moorish [Tartar] Confederacy and partly from the Qhans philosophy.
Among the more fringe rumors found in old litterature about the tartars is that the northern Altai Golden Horde used a 17 hour clock system, as the daytime was shorter closer to the north pole. Another claim is that their compasses pointed to a magnetic mountain in the south.
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