The foundational principles for Distributism exist in Guadium et spes

"Goods can be transferred to the public domain only by the competent authority, according to the demands and within the limits of the common good and with fair compensation. ..."
"In many underdeveloped regions there are large or even extensive rural estates which are only slightly cultivated or lie completely idle for the sake of profit... insufficiently cultivated estates should be distributed to those who can make the lands fruitful..."
"...Whenever, nevertheless, the common good requires expropriation, compensation must be reckoned in equity after all the circumstances have been weighed."

In the U.S. Eminent Domain is, in essence, a codified expression of this general principle.
The right of land ownership is linked to what man adds to it, namely his labor, that labor is transformative because the cultivated land becomes, in a way, an expression of the personality of the man who cultivates it. An extension of himself.
"In order to be true peacemakers, we must...[be] concerned to raise awareness about national and international issues and the importance of seeking adequate mechanisms for the redistribution of wealth..." - Pope Benedict XVI
This of course has to be done justly. A higher tax rate on the rich seems unjust. We don't need to soak the rich. What we need is a transformation of our welfare/social security systems into programs of enfranchisement instead of ones providing meager sustenance.
A new Homestead Act could zone some of the 747 million acres of uncultivated gov. land for affordable houses built using new technologies.

Incentivize young families and entrepreneurs to take up residence with temporary tax cuts and subsidies until stable communities develop.
If Distributism has any chance of being put into practice anywhere it's in the U.S. we have the land, and we have the wealth. We just need the imagination.
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