"The Asia Security Initiative promotes forward-looking strategies and solutions for the most pressing issues in the Indo-Pacific region to optimize cooperation between the United States and its regional allies and partners." @MiyeonOhDC
"As we reflect on the passing of the late General Scowcroft, ASI seeks to be an “honest broker” in honor of his legacy, developing actionable strategies that balance economic engagement w/ national security + bridge gaps between US policymakers + their Indo-Pacific counterparts"
"Today’s event focuses on a critical juncture in the Indo-Pacific with intensifying US-China competition, as emerging defense technologies stand to reshape the strategic decisions that the United States faces in advancing its interests in the Indo-Pacific region." @MiyeonOhDC
"It goes without saying that the face of conflict is changing: how we look at it and how we perceive it changes regularly. The tools of conflict are also changing and they're probably getting more discussion than anything else." General James Cartwright
"If you look at definitions of disruptive technology, disruptive concepts, they almost always are associated with some construct that is significantly undervalued in today's culture, norms, business practices, etc." General James Cartwright
"When you look at your allies in the region, they are more than eminently capable of contributing… The key underpinning capability is the valuation proposition of data. Data is more important than bullets." General James Cartwright
"There are two important developments that are affecting Japanese strategic thinking: 1) is China’s growing assertive actions in the South and East China Seas; 2) the Aegis Ashore plan has now been shelved.” Dr. Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi
"Japan is going to have to think about going asymmetric against the challenges that it faces." Dr. Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi
"The most interesting development is the network of capabilities that could emerge from these new technological capabilities … [China’s] blue ocean information network that is being developed by the electronics conglomerate, CETC, for the South China Sea." Dr. Sarah Kirchberger
"Data is really key here. Data is the primary target. And the US-Japan alliance is of course now directly challenged to come up with its own answers to this unfolding new capability." Dr. Sarah Kirchberger
"AI is an enabler of deterrence for China. The report focuses on intelligence collection and processing … Unmanned systems combined with AI is a force multiplier, and is an area both the United States and Japan has showed competency." @TateNurkin
"Unmanned systems are going to be vital- in particular underwater unmanned systems and also aerial unmanned systems- given that Japan is an archipelago. Those are the domains that are most vital to Japan's security." Dr. Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi
"But again, the question is: how can we move or translate the capabilities and assets into readiness? I think that continuum or those stages are going to be the real tough ones." Dr. Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi
"The technology [in the Indo-Pacific] requires a lot of other adjacent innovations. It is just not a technological collaboration between Japan and the United States, it is a political collaboration, a process collaboration, and a training collaboration." @TateNurkin
"Command and control, and data links are the most important things to focus on. This is something central in Chinese strategic thinking – how to disrupt these networks, how to take out the nodes, how to conduct what they call system destruction warfare." Dr. Sarah Kirchberger
"Taiwan is battle ground zero of everything that’s happening in terms of information warfare and psychological warfare operations coming from China." Dr. Sarah Kirchberger
"Unless China radically changes its behavior in the region, the strategic environment will show more willingness to share data. There does need to be a formal organization or initiative that allows for sustainability of data-sharing, much like Five Eyes." @TateNurkin
"Australia jumps out as an obvious candidate [for collaboration]. There are ways that collaboration might be able to happen even with the sensitive geopolitical area. For example, countering mis- and dis- information, which will be the battleground for the future." @TateNurkin
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