Watching my monthly Ravelry invoices roll into "overdue" is my new mood.

It'll do nothing to convince them that they need to change; nothing so far has, but it feels like the one little thing I can continue doing to make a point.

The fact that I am making fewer and fewer sales on Ravelry since they made the site dangerous means my invoices are smaller and smaller every month.

(Never forget, while the site is free to USE, it's NOT free to designers) WE pay for the site even if YOU don't.
My sales have dropped to 1/4 what they were, and my own site isn't making up for that deficit yet.
This isn't sustainable. 
I have to ask, how many talented designers are we going to lose because of this fiasco? How much will our vibrant industry contract?

How many disabled people are losing their entire livelihood right now with no alternative available?

Who will be left when the dust settles?
If it'll just be the people who HAVE alternative financial support in the form of family / a partner, what will that do to our community's voice?

What will that say about our profession?
That "It's not worthy of a living wage"?

How many marginalised voices will be drowned out?
How many at risk humans who had been safe from Covid are now going to have to step out into the world to look for employment?

Rent doesn't stop just because #Ravelry refuses to listen. Meds and therapy cost money, after all.
Ravelry's decision to ignore us will impact the entire knitting and crochet community for many years to come, and I for one am furious they are taking their responsibilities here so lightly.
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