To the countless college students who are NOT throwing huge parties and having loads of fun right now:
I’m sorry that so many on social media are mis-characterizing all college students as selfish and lacking in self-control...
I know that you have faced countless disappoints and stresses: lost internships, financial insecurity, the inability to be with family (especially through their illnesses and sometimes even deaths), the loss of the life that you expected to be leading right now…
…and that many of you are dealing with depression, anxiety, and isolation, conditions already wide-spread across college campuses and made far worse by the pandemic...
I see the many personal sacrifices that so many of you are making to maintain social distancing, flatten the curve, and care for people around you…
...and that you do this despite the fact that your own personal health risks are often low...
I see you, I appreciate you, and I feel for you. Thanks for all the good choices (the hard choices) that you’re making – not just for yourselves but for everyone around you.
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