We’re excited to announce that KR1 has started generating revenue from Polkadot (“DOT”) staking yields, please find more details in our public announcement: https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2020-08-19/kr1-plc-revenue-from-polkadot-staking-yields
KR1’s largest investment and portfolio holding to date, @Polkadot is a ‘Proof-of-Stake’ blockchain that, unlike ‘Proof-of-Work’ such as @Bitcoin, does not require enormous computing power and energy consumption to guarantee the security and censorship-resistance of the network.
“It’s been an incredibly exciting journey having watched Polkadot’s gradual launch over the past months, from getting started with Kusama ( @kusamanetwork), Polkadot’s wild cousin, to the switch over to a permissionless Proof-of-Stake blockchain, governed by its stakeholders...
... and finally, yesterday’s DOT transferability that was voted in by the community.”
“This is only the beginning. There is so much more brewing for Polkadot, from technology upgrades to follow soon that will enable different blockchains to communicate with each other while sharing the same security guarantees, to further advances in scalability and much more.”
“The Web3 Foundation ( @web3foundation) and Parity Technologies ( @ParityTech) are not alone in their journey with Polkadot, there is a buzzing ecosystem from A to Z of projects building protocols and applications on top of Polkadot’s technology.”
“Starting with Acala ( @AcalaNetwork) and Moonbeam ( @MoonbeamNetwork) tackling the DeFi ecosystem; going on to Edgeware ( @HeyEdgeware) and Plasm ( @Plasm_Network) that are aiming to onboard lots of developers with their smart contract and scalability work...
... and projects like Interlay ( @InterlayHQ) or ChainX ( @chainx_org), pushing to get more and more assets bridged into the Polkadot ecosystem in various ways.”
“Seeing the first revenue coming in from Polkadot staking yields is a huge validation as Polkadot joins Cosmos as the second yield-bearing asset generating material revenue in KR1’s portfolio, which puts the Company on an even stronger footing for the future.”
You can follow @KR1plc.
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