Launching videoconf+chat+payments in 2.5 weeks and scale it to 10k daily visits requires you to be truly #agile. Alignment, autonomous teams, no handovers, no bureaucracy. How to prepare your team for these volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous times? A thread 👇
The bad news is: if you haven't started preparing yet, it's way too late.

It took us years to get here. No magical recipes to fix everything with a course or some quick consultancy.

Not saying these can't help, but practice has 100x more impact. And practice takes time.
And what should you practice?

- Understanding your users' needs
- Inspiring co-workers
- Having a clear strategy
- Being transparent
- Giving autonomy
- Hiring amazing people
- Effectiveness over efficiency
- ...

A beautifully organized summary here:
Start assessing your organization practices and keep improving. Challenge everything. Don't settle. Reach organizations and people that are more advanced in some of the areas. Learn from them and find your own way.
Don't be fooled by processes or tools, focus on delivering value to your users.

You shouldn't do #scrum or #kanban or #agile or #leanstartup or #okr or anything else just for the sake of doing it.

Steal from them whatever helps you deliver more value faster and sustainably.
You can follow @gabriprat.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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