giving good apollo vol. 1 another shot from start to finish because it feels wrong to dislike this album as a coheed fan. current thoughts are that it's their most popular as well as their worst by a fair margin
like my thoughts have always been to just....... listen to afterman instead............ because it's an arc that's both conceptually and sonically more interesting.
Welcome Home is the riff that launched coheed into the stratosphere and it's a very impressive piece of music, but they surpass it in later albums + do so without being rooted in weird break-up misogynistic dogshit
and hell even /earlier/, the progressive concept long-form song stuff was done better on IKSSE3. IKSSE3, The Crowing, and Three Evils are all equally as good or better. Gravity's Union came along on Afterman: Descension and set their standard though
Ten Speed is still a dogshit song that is redeemed by a fuckin killer guitar solo. Crossing The Frame is eh. it sounds like a lot of elements were put in to a Coheed Song Generator and this is what came out . a song that immediately sounds like C&C and yet one I always forget
Apollo I: The Writing Writer is the first song on this album I actually really like. It leans into all the cool typically Coheed elements, is a lot of fun from a sonic perspective, and catchy as hell.
Claudio was really on some misogynistic bullshit this album though, glad he grew the fuck up lol
Back to kinda sucking on Once Upon A Dead Body. oh well at least The Suffering is up soon I think
ah no, Wake Up is next. Well this song's nice! It's just a cute song. His voice sounds so young here! Just a nice ballad - you can hear why they used to/still get lumped in with emo bands on this song I think.
ah hell yeah NOW it's The Suffering. This is the song that justifies the album for me. It's like they decided to write Ten Speed again but this time write it so it was good
Ten Speed gets brownie points for that solo but that's it it sucks otherwise and I'll die on this hill
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