
1. Have you ever been on a blind date ? If yes, how did it go?
2. Have you ever gone on a date with someone you met via social media?
3. Which application did you link up with your date?
4. Can you go on a date with someone who's picture you've never seen before? (and have never met before either)
5. Do you think blind dates are considered normal in Africa?
6. Would you like to go on a blind date?
7. Who do you think should be shooting shots on social media apps?
8. How old were you when you went on your first date?
9. Does age matter to you for a date or you'd rather go on a date then discover the person?
10. What are your the things you consider before going on a date with someone you met on social media?
#TheBlindDate 1
11. Is it normal to go empty handed for a blind date?
12. What would you like to receive from your date?
#TheBlindDate 1
13. Should a guy have to pick up the girl before heading to chosen location for their first date or should they just meet there?
14. Where would you like to go for a first date?
15. Girls how will you like the guy to dress for your blind date?
Guys how will you dress for your blind date?
16. Guys, how will you want the girl to dress for your blind date?
Girls how will you dress for your blind date?
17. Who should pay the bills for on the blind date?
18. If the girl/boy isn't dressed to impress will you walk away?
19. If the girl/boy isn't wearing perfume, will you leave?
20. If the girl/boy doesn't look attractive, will you walk away?
21. Have you ever gone on a second date with someone you've gone a blind date with before?
22. Are you in a relationship?
23. Girls, What turns you on in a man?
Guys, what turns you on in a woman?
24. Girls, What turns you off in a man?
Guys, what turns you off in a woman?
25. Can you kiss your blind date?
26. Can you have sex with your blind date on the first day?
27. Tag someone you'd like to go on a date with on twitter ?
28. What will you have as drinks on the first date?
29. What will you have as food?
30. Would you pretend to be someone you're not to impress the other person or would you be yourself?
31. Girls, would you place an extra order for takeaway on the guys bill?
32. Girls, if everyone has to take care of their bill, will you be able?
33. Guys, will you walk her home, put her in a taxi or drive her home?
34. Guys (if you don't own a car), will you borrow a car just for that day?
35. Guys, Will you give her money for transportation or not? If yes, how much?
36. Guys, If she asks for money for transportation, will you consider it OK or is it a reason not to see her again?
37. If you realise your blind date is your friend's ex, will it bother you or not?
38. Are you the romantic type or not?
39. Quote this tweet with a picture of yourself and let's see if anyone on this app wants to go on a date with you
40. Do you want to go in for a blind date? If yes make sure your DM is open
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