Starting a new thread on the June 9 Meeting.

Manafort is here:

Hack-and-leak is here:
This redaction MIGHT be about influencing Congress, which raises questions about why it's redacted.
SSCI looked into Trump's invitation to Putin before Miss Universe. They found someone (he) reinserted a claim he'd make an extended visit to Russia and invitation to Putin. Paula Shugart said nothing like this had happened before.
There's a redacted discussion of the mob ties of Rotem Rosen, one of the guys Trump brought with him to Miss Universe in Moscow.
SSCI notes that Snowden's lawyer attended the charity event preceding Miss Universe.
Here's what was billed to Trump's Ritz Carlton room, including on the night after the Agalarov party.
Trump wanted Paula Shugart to lie and say Putin HAD come to the pageant.
The only thing missing from Trump family dynamics here is Ivanka saying, "Daddy, I want a golden goose!" (Which *sort of* appears elsewhere in the report).
There's a discrepancy between Goldstone and Emin about whether Trump had already decided to run by Emin's last meeting at Trump Tower.
So in early February, Trump responds to Aras' best wishes for Super Tuesday with a handwritten, "You are doing such a great job!" note. 1/3
Then on April 8, 2016 Aras brings it with him to an interview with the WaPo, as "proof" that "the future president of the United States" spends his time writing his friends in Russia.

Something is of [redacted] interest about this interview/exchange.

Then Aras writes to warn Trump that the WaPo editor "may not have been one of your biggest fans" but offers Trump a transcript of the recording he made of the interview.

Trump replies, trashing the press, but insisting he was winning. 3/3
That all happened about a month before Goldstone reached out to offer help as part of a package of support from Russia.
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