Day 3 - Lecture 4
Building Product, Talking to Users, and Growing.


Learn from others mistakes, the top 10 takes from her lecture on growth.
1. Common sense that isn't that common. You must dedicate most of your time to your venture.

One of my mates works 20 hour days occasionally on his start up. Can you commit to that?
2. You need feedback, from people with another view, another mindset. Protect your idea by all means. But it will need more than your mind.
3. Does it solve an actual problem, not just your problem. But a world wide problem. Be brutally honest with yourself here. Can you state the problem and your solution eloquently.
4. Corner off a niche. You can't take on the world just yet. Find your corner and dominate that.
5. You will then find out if your great idea, is a great idea to the world at large.
6. Do surveys, get reviews, ask your first users/customers. And improve quickly!
Be wary of honesty here, you mum will always tell you it's great, some random user will tell you why it actually sucks. Take both with a pinch of salt.
7. Automate as much of the grey as possible. Work on only what matters.

The best Twitter guys I follow have a VA for most of the mundane tasks.
8. Like with most things. Just get in the game and IMPROVE QUICKLY.

Sticky growth gets people back to you, viral growth is getting more people to you. Sticky growth leads to viral growth. Viral growth without stickiness is a leaky bucket.
10. "Its better to have 1 or 2 things that's clearly differentiate you from your competitors than 50 that only kind of"
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