1/ Some reflections on remote and online classroom style medical education vs face to face (F2F)

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2/ The growth in remote MedEd has occurred through necessity. Remote is different but not better than F2F. It has some clear advantages but also significant disadvantages. Where possible we need to mitigate these problems.
3/ Delivery is not learning. Remote MedEd is high risk for providing something which is not received in any meaningful way. His is especially true for education which is not the agenda of the learners.
4/ Engagement and involvement needs to be prioritised in all remote MedEd even more than in F2F. Time spent planning how to engage and involve your learners is time well spent. This adds more to the burden of preparation but is v important.
5/ Learners are often becoming used to a lack of engagement and interaction. Every time this happens, it decreases the likelihood of engagement in future teaching sessions. We need to get audiences used to being engaged and involved.
6/ Those accessing remote MedEd can help by taking responsibility for promoting engagement. Ask questions. Pay attention. Don’t do other tasks during the session just because you can. Be present and be interactive as much as possible.
7/ Most of us are on a steep part of the remote MedEd learning curve. We’re learning how to deliver it and how to get the most out of it. Most of us need to be better at it and one of the ways that will happen is through trial and error. Bear with that.
8/ Let’s all agree to make remote classroom style MedEd into something that educators want to deliver as well as a positive experience for learners. It will take both groups to get us where we need to be.
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